Integrating BinderHub with JupyterHub: Empowering users to manage their own environments

Thanks to Arnim Bleier, Jenny Wong, Georgiana Elena, Damián Avila, Jim Colliander and James Munroe for contributing to this blog post is a very popular service that allows end users to specify and share the environment (languages, packages, etc) required for their notebooks to run correctly by placing
configuration files they are already familiar with (like requirements.txt
or environment.yml
) along with their notebooks. While not without its own set of challenges, this is extremely powerful because it puts control of the environment in the hands of the people who write the code. They can customize the environment to fit the needs of their code, instead of having to fit their code into the environment that admins have made available.
But, (and the BinderHub software that powers it) is built for sharing your work after you are done with it, not for actively doing work. BinderHubs often do not have persistent storage nor persistent user identity, and UX is centered around ephemeral interactivity that can be shared with others (via a link), rather than persistent interactivity that a single user repeatedly comes back to. JupyterHub is more commonly used for this kinda workflow, but doesn’t currently have the ability for users to easily build their own environments. Admins who are running the JupyterHub can make multiple environments available for users to choose from, but this still puts admins in the critical path for environment customization.
Our collaboration with GESIS, NFDI4DS, and CESSDA, aims to bring this flexibility to JupyterHub directly. We aim to empower users to decide for themselves which applications and dependencies are installed on a per-project basis. Our work enables communities with heterogeneous requirements to share a single Hub. Our approach frees administrators from being overwhelmed by installation requests and transforms the JupyterHub platform into a platform for collaborative computational reproducibility. In this update, we report on our progress and upcoming steps in this project.
What does a BinderHub do, exactly? #
It is helpful to understand that BinderHub primarily has 3 responsibilities:
- Present a UI to the end user for them to provide details on what to build (this is what you see when you go to
- Call out to repo2docker in a scalable way to actually build and push an image containing the environment for the given repository, and show the user logs as this build process happens. This also allows users to debug issues with their build more easily.
- Talk to a JupyterHub instance to launch a user server with the built docker image, and redirect the user to this.
(2) is really the core feature of BinderHub, and we settled on figuring out how to make that available to JupyterHub users. It was really important to us that this was also done in a way that can be sustainably used by everyone, not just 2i2c. This blog post discusses the various improvements to the broad ecosystem of projects in the Jupyter ecosystem to get this done.
Demo #
But first, a very quick demo of how this looks like right now now!
This is very much a work in progress, but the basic flow can be seen clearly. Users see a Server Options menu after they log into JupyterHub. They can specify the two primary things that determine the server configuration:
The resources allocated (RAM, CPU and maybe GPU)
The environment (container image) used, which can be specified in one of 3 ways:
a. A pre-selected list of environments (container images), provided by the administrators who set up this JupyterHub b. A blank text box where you can enter any publicly available docker image they want c. A style way to specify a GitHub repository, which will be then dynamically built into a docker image for the user!
So what did we need to do to accomplish this, in a way that’s very upstream friendly and usable by everyone (and not just 2i2c)?
A Standalone binderhub-service
helm chart
The default upstream BinderHub helm chart includes a JupyterHub as a dependency, and configures itself to be used primarily in a manner similar to As the person who helped make that choice early on, I can tell you why it was made - for convenience! And it was very convenient, as it allowed us to get going fast. However, it makes it difficult to install a BinderHub service alongside an existing JupyterHub. To this end, we have created a standalone BinderHub helm chart, designed to be installed alongside an existing JupyterHub, so we can use it purely to build images. This allows the BinderHub instance to be used as a JupyterHub Service, which is what we want.
While this helm chart is currently under the 2i2c GitHub org, the hope is that it can eventually migrate to a jupyterhub-contrib organization (once it is created), or it can become the upstream helm chart for BinderHub if enough work can be done in BinderHub to allow it to serve use cases like
As part of this work, we also added a way for BinderHub to run in API only mode, so we can fully turn off the UI and launching ability of BinderHub. This change decoupled the three responsibilities of BinderHub we discussed previously, allowing us to bring our own UI and JupyterHub. BinderHub could now be used purely for its scalable image building features, which is exactly what we want!
Sustainably extending KubeSpawner’s profileList
We identified KubeSpawner’s profileList
feature as the ideal location for UI to dynamically build environments (container images), making it just another ’environment choice’ people can choose, along with picking the resources their server needs. From an end-user perspective, it was also the logical place for them to specify a repository to build into an environment, as they could already choose some pre-built environments from here. They can also select other arbitrary resources they want (such as memory, GPU, etc) from here as well. From a maintainer perspective, it helps with long-term maintenance of the JupyterHub projects.
The implementation of profileList
however, was not easy to extend at this point. So
this PR improved how easy it was to extend it in more complex ways, without making the implementation in KubeSpawner itself complicated. Even though this had no visible end-user effects, it was an extremely important step in allowing us to experiment with UI in a sustainable way without having to rely on upstream. These kinds of changes can sometimes be hard to sell to stakeholders but are extremely important in ensuring a continuous and sustainable relationship with upstream.
Implementing unlisted_choice
feature in KubeSpawner
The profileList feature was built to allow JupyterHub admins to specify an explicit list of container images the end-user can choose from. It did not have a way for any choice that was not pre-approved by the admin to be used. We needed this feature since the BinderHub API will build a new docker image for each environment the user wants, and so this can not be chosen from a pre-approved list. We had to safely add this feature to KubeSpawner in such a way that it was generally useful to everyone. Many other communities had been asking for such a feature anyway - the ability to simply ’type in’ an image and have that be used.
NASA VEDA was one such community, so we partnered with Sanjay Bhangar from Development Seed (an organization that helps run NASA VEDA) to implement this feature. Engineers from 2i2c contributed heavily to this feature as well, and after several PRs ( 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), this feature is now available for everyone to use!
A key component of doing sustainable upstream work is that every addition needs to be useful by itself for a broad group of people. This change was very helpful for many communities that wanted to allow their users the freedom to pick whatever image they want to use, regardless of wether they wanted to use dynamic image building or not. The broad interest allowed us to build a coalition with other interested parties, and get the change accepted upstream more easily!
Once we had all these pieces in place, it was time to actually work on the frontend UI that would allow users to build images dynamically and launch them. Since this will replace the ‘profileList’ feature, it should also allow them to select different resources (RAM, CPU, etc) as needed, as well as type in an existing image if they desire. So it was a full re-implementation of the profileList
This is ongoing now at the
jupyterhub-fancy-profiles project. It is a pure frontend web application, using modern frontend tooling (
Babel, etc) and written in JavaScript. It’s gone through a few revisions, but the demo provided earlier in the blog post is in its current state. Because the default profileList implementation is pure HTML / CSS with very minimal JS, it is limited in what kind of UX it could have. jupyterhub-fancy-profiles
aims to be very helpful even when dynamic image-building features are not enabled on a JupyterHub. We hope to roll this out to a few JupyterHubs and improve it over time based on feedback.
npm package
While building jupyterhub-fancy-profiles
, we wanted to use the same javascript code used by BinderHub frontend to interact with the BinderHub API, instead of re-implementing it. However, the existing BinderHub JavaScript code was not easily consumable by external projects. We refactored the code, added tests, migrated to use modern JS practices and published the
NPM package that can be used not just by jupyerhub-fancy-profiles
but any external project for talking to the BinderHub API.
This had to be done in such a way that current BinderHub installations (such as do not break. That took quite a few pull requests: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. This refactoring work was very helpful to us, and also appreciated by the broader community.
Defending against cryptojacking with cryptnono
For Open Science to flourish, we need to allow access to resources without login / paywalls wherever possible. A new menace against this has been cryptojacking - where attackers use up any and all available free compute to mine cryptocurrencies. This has affected many folks on the internet, including GitHub Actions and, the primary public BinderHub installation. has some extra protections against cryptojacking that aren’t easily usable elsewhere, and this has unfortunately meant that the demo JupyterHubs we have with these features enabled have been behind a login wall. I personally believe login walls are long term antithetical to open science, and so this was an important problem to solve.
cryptnono is an open source project designed to help fight cryptojacking, and as part of this grant we ported some of this functionality out of specific code into cryptnono, so other deployments may also benefit from it! We also migrated to using the super efficient ebpf Linux Kernel subsystem, allowing for more complex heuristics to catch a much broader range of cryptomining activity. We have been slowly tweaking the config on, and it has proven to be very effective! This will be very helpful for anyone who wants to provide a JupyterHub (or any other computational service) without a login wall. If you are interested in using cryptnono in this fashion, please reach out to us so we can work together!
Explored pathways that were then discarded #
List of things that were tried and then decided as not good pathways:
- repo2docker-service, a separate JupyterHub service that could only build images. As we worked on it, we realized that it was replicating a lot of features that BinderHub already has, so we pivoted to working on BinderHub directly instead.
- Building off of tljh-repo2docker. While this already had a nice UI, it would be hard to port it to run on a distributed Kubernetes environment without it becoming a ‘hard fork’.
While these did slow down the implementation of the project, it has allowed us to be very confident that the methods we have chosen are long-term sustainable.
Want to try this out? #
We have a demo of this running at, but unfortunately as we are still fine-tuning cryptnono
config, at this moment it is not open to the public. Please
contact me with your GitHub account if you want access, and promise to not be a cryptominer and you shall be granted access.
Want to set this up on your own JupyterHub? There is some work in progress documentation and more is being worked on. Drop a line in the linked pull request and we’ll be happy to help. The eventual goal is for anyone to be able to simply follow documentation and set this up for themselves.
Future work #
This is not complete of course, and there is a lot of future work to be done.
- also helps you distribute your content, not just the environment for your code to run in. Since JupyterHub usually comes with a persistent home directory for the user, nbgitpuller is commonly used for this purpose instead. We should explore ways to integrate nbgitpuller (and other ways to distribute content) in the future.
- More thorough documentation for how you can recreate what is in the demo for yourself in your own JupyterHub installation.
- Better UX for specifying images, including figuring out how to ‘save’ them for future reuse.
- Better compatibility with, particularly in allowing other sources of environments (not just GitHub, but Zenodo, raw git repositories, etc) and URL compatibility.
- Better authentication workflow between the frontend and the BinderHub API.
Credit #
All this work would not be possible without a large group of collaborators!
- From 2i2c: Erik Sundell, Georgiana Elena, Yuvi, James Munroe, and Damián Avila.
- The persistent BinderHub project was the direct inspiration for all this work, with particular thanks to Kenan Erdogan.
- The tljh-repo2docker project, which explores similar ideas in the context of running only on a single node.
- The broad JupyterHub and community, particularly Simon Li and MinRK.
- Funding generously provided by GESIS in cooperation with NFDI4DS (project number: 460234259) and CESSDA.
- Arnim Bleier from GESIS was instrumental in making this project happen.