Harnessing Marine Open Data Science for Ocean Sustainability in Africa, South Asia and Latin America

Thank you to Emilio Mayorga for sharing this publication.

Several community members, including Paige Martin (Australian Climate Simulator), Eli Holmes (NOAA Fisheries), and Emilio Mayorga (University of Washington) published case studies in Oceanography magazine’s “Vision for Capacity Sharing” issue.

Their article Harnessing Marine Open Data Science for Ocean Sustainability in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America highlights the benefits of hackweek-style collaboration and learning events to build capacity in underrepresented communities, using 2i2c-supported JupyterHub for seamless set up and effective data sharing.

More on these three specific initiatives is available at their respective websites:

  • COESSING, Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School In Nigeria and Ghana.
  • OHWe - OceanHackWeek en Español (in Spanish).
  • ITCOocean Hack2Week (an Indian Ocean program). Training Course & HackWeek On Machine Learning Based Species Distribution Modeling.

We’re happy to see these communities extend their impact and make interactive computing more accessible to participants around the world.

April Johnson
April Johnson
People Operations Lead