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Greece Wildfires

In this example, we will retrieve data associated with the 2023 Greece wildfires to understand their evolution and extent. We will generate a time series associated with this data and two visualizations of the event.

In particular, we will examine the area around the city of Alexandroupolis which was severely impacted by the wildfires, resulting in loss of lives, property, and forested areas.

Outline of steps for analysis

  • Identifying search parameters
    • AOI, time-window
    • Endpoint, Provider, catalog identifier (“short name”)
  • Obtaining search results
    • Instrospect, examine to identify features, bands of interest
    • Wrap results into a DataFrame for easier exploration
  • Exploring & refining search results
    • Identify granules of highest value
    • Filter extraneous granules with minimal contribution
    • Assemble relevant filtered granules into DataFrame
    • Identify kind of output to generate
  • Data-wrangling to produce relevant output
    • Download relevant granules into Xarray DataArray, stacked appropriately
    • Do intermediate computations as necessary
    • Assemble relevant data slices into visualization

Preliminary imports

from warnings import filterwarnings
import numpy as np, pandas as pd, xarray as xr
import rioxarray as rio
# Imports for plotting
import hvplot.pandas, hvplot.xarray
import geoviews as gv
from geoviews import opts
# STAC imports to retrieve cloud data
from pystac_client import Client
from osgeo import gdal
# GDAL setup for accessing cloud data
gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_HTTP_COOKIEJAR', '~/.cookies.txt')

Convenient utilities

# simple utility to make a rectangle with given center of width dx & height dy
def make_bbox(pt,dx,dy):
    '''Returns bounding-box represented as tuple (x_lo, y_lo, x_hi, y_hi)
    given inputs pt=(x, y), width & height dx & dy respectively,
    where x_lo = x-dx/2, x_hi=x+dx/2, y_lo = y-dy/2, y_hi = y+dy/2.
    return tuple(coord+sgn*delta for sgn in (-1,+1) for coord,delta in zip(pt, (dx/2,dy/2)))
# simple utility to plot an AOI or bounding-box
def plot_bbox(bbox):
    '''Given bounding-box, returns GeoViews plot of Rectangle & Point at center
    + bbox: bounding-box specified as (lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    Assume longitude-latitude coordinates.
    # These plot options are fixed but can be over-ridden
    point_opts = opts.Points(size=12, alpha=0.25, color='blue')
    rect_opts = opts.Rectangles(line_width=2, alpha=0.1, color='red')
    lon_lat = (0.5*sum(bbox[::2]), 0.5*sum(bbox[1::2]))
    return (gv.Points([lon_lat]) * gv.Rectangles([bbox])).opts(point_opts, rect_opts)
# utility to extract search results into a Pandas DataFrame
def search_to_dataframe(search):
    '''Constructs Pandas DataFrame from PySTAC Earthdata search results.
    DataFrame columns are determined from search item properties and assets.
    'asset': string identifying an Asset type associated with a granule
    'href': data URL for file associated with the Asset in a given row.'''
    granules = list(search.items())
    assert granules, "Error: empty list of search results"
    props = list({prop for g in granules for prop in})
    tile_ids = map(lambda granule:'_')[3], granules)
    rows = (([, None) for k in props] + [a, g.assets[a].href, t])
                for g, t in zip(granules,tile_ids) for a in g.assets )
    df = pd.concat(map(lambda x: pd.DataFrame(x, index=props+['asset','href', 'tile_id']).T, rows),
                   axis=0, ignore_index=True)
    assert len(df), "Empty DataFrame"
    return df

These functions could be placed in module files for more developed research projects. For learning purposes, they are embedded within this notebook.

Identifying search parameters

dadia_forest = (26.18, 41.08)
AOI = make_bbox(dadia_forest, 0.1, 0.1)
DATE_RANGE = '2023-08-01/2023-09-30'.split('/')
# Optionally plot the AOI
basemap = gv.tile_sources.ESRI(width=500, height=500, padding=0.1, alpha=0.25)
plot_bbox(AOI) * basemap
search_params = dict(bbox=AOI, datetime=DATE_RANGE)

Obtaining search results

# Update the dictionary opts with list of collections to search
catalog ='{ENDPOINT}/{PROVIDER}/')
search_results =**search_params)

As usual, let’s encode the search result into a Pandas DataFrame, examine the results, and make a few transformations to clean up the results.

df = search_to_dataframe(search_results)

We clean the DataFrame df in typical ways that make sense:

  • casting the datetime column as DatetimeIndex;
  • dropping extraneous datetime columns;
  • renaming the eo:cloud_cover column as cloud_cover;
  • casting the cloud_cover column as floating-point values; and
  • casting the remaining columns as strings; and
  • setting the datetime column as the Index.
df = df.drop(['end_datetime', 'start_datetime'], axis=1)
df.datetime = pd.DatetimeIndex(df.datetime)
df = df.rename(columns={'eo:cloud_cover':'cloud_cover'})
df['cloud_cover'] = df['cloud_cover'].astype(np.float16)
for col in ['asset', 'href', 'tile_id']:
    df[col] = df[col].astype(pd.StringDtype())
df = df.set_index('datetime').sort_index()

Exploring & refining search results

Let’s examine the DataFrame df to better understand the search results. First, let’s see how many different geographic tiles occur in the search results.


So the AOI lies strictly within a single MGRS geographic tile, namely T35TMF. Let’s examine the asset column.


Some of these asset names are not as simple and tidy as the ones we encountered with the DIST-ALERT data products. We can, however, easily identify useful substrings. Here, we choose only those rows in which the asset column includes 'VEG-DIST-STATUS' as a sub-string.

idx_veg_dist_status = df.asset.str.contains('VEG-DIST-STATUS')

We can use this boolean Series with the Pandas .loc accessor to filter out only the rows we want (i.e., that connect to raster data files storing the VEG-DIST-STATUS band). We can subsequently drop the asset column (it is no longer required).

veg_dist_status = df.loc[idx_veg_dist_status]
veg_dist_status = veg_dist_status.drop('asset', axis=1)

Notice some of the rows have the same date but different times (corresponding to multiple observations in the same UTC calendar day). We can aggregate the URLs into lists by resampling the time series by day; we can subsequently visualize the result.

by_day = veg_dist_status.resample('1d').href.apply(list)
display(by_day)'# of observations')

Let’s clean up the Series by_day by filtering out the rows that have empty lists (i.e., dates on which no data was acquired).

by_day = by_day.loc[],2.1), grid=True).opts(title="# of observations")

We can now use the resampled series by_day to extract raster data for analysis.

Data-wrangling to produce relevant output

The wildfire near Alexandroupolis started around August 21st and rapidly spread, particularly affecting the nearby Dadia Forest. Let’s first assemble a “data cube” (i.e., a stacked array of rasters) from the remote files indexed in the Pandas series by_day. We’ll start by selecting and loading one of the remote GeoTIFF files to extract metadata that applies to all the rasters associated with this event and this MGRS tile.

href = by_day[0][0]
data = rio.open_rasterio(href).rename(dict(x='longitude', y='latitude'))
crs =
shape = data.shape

Before we build a stacked DataArray within a loop, we’ll define a Python dictionary called template that will be used to instantiate the slices of the array. The dictionary template will store metadata extracted from the GeoTIFF file, notably the coordinates.

template = dict()
template['coords'] = data.coords.copy()
del template['coords']['band']
template['coords'].update({'time': by_day.index.values})
template['dims'] = ['time', 'longitude', 'latitude']
template['attrs'] = dict(description=f"OPERA DSWX: VEG-DIST-STATUS", units=None)


We’ll use a loop to build a stacked array of rasters from the Pandas series by_day (whose entries are lists of string, i.e., URIs). If the list has a singleton element, the URI can be read directly using; otherwise, the function rasterio.merge.merge combines multiple raster data files acquired on the same day into a single raster image.

import rasterio
from rasterio.merge import merge
rasters = []
for date, hrefs in by_day.items():
    n_files = len(hrefs)
    if n_files > 1:
        print(f"Merging {n_files} files for {date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}...")
        raster, _ = merge(hrefs)
        print(f"Opening {n_files} file  for {date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}...")
        with[0]) as ds:
            raster =
    rasters.append(np.reshape(raster, newshape=shape))

The data accumulated within the list rasters are all stored as NumPy arrays. Thus, rather than calling xarray.concat, we wrap a call to numpy.concatenate within a call to the xarray.DataArray constructor. We bind the object created to the identifier stack, making sure to also include the CRS information.

stack = xr.DataArray(data=np.concatenate(rasters, axis=0), **template), inplace=True)

The DataArray stack has time, longitude, and latitude as its main coordinate dimensions. We can use this to perform some computations and produce relevant visualizations.

Plotting the area damaged

To begin, let’s use the data in stack to compute the total surface area damaged. The data in stack comes from VEG-DIST-STATUS band of the DIST-ALERT product. We interpret the pixel values in this band as follows:

  • 0: No disturbance
  • 1: First detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change <50%<50\%
  • 2: Provisional detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change <50%<50\%
  • 3: Confirmed detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change <50%<50\%
  • 4: First detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change 50%\ge50\%
  • 5: Provisional detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change 50%\ge50\%
  • 6: Confirmed detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change 50%\ge50\%
  • 7: Finished detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change <50%<50\%
  • 8: Finished detection of disturbance with vegetation cover change 50%\ge50\%

The particular pixel value we want to flag, then, is 6, i.e., a pixel in which at least 50% of the vegetation cover has been confirmed to be damaged and in which the disturbance is actively ongoing. We can use the .sum method to add up all the pixels with value 6 and the .to_series method to represent the sum as a time-indexed Pandas series. We also define conversion_factor that accounts for the area of each pixel in km2\mathrm{km}^2 (recall each pixel has area 30m×30m30\mathrm{m}\times30\mathrm{m}).

pixel_val = 6
conversion_factor = (30/1_000)**2 / pixel_val
damage_area = stack.where(stack==pixel_val, other=0).sum(axis=(1,2)) 
damage_area = damage_area.to_series() * conversion_factor
plot_title = 'Damaged Area (km²)'
line_plot_opts = dict(title=plot_title, grid=True, color='r')

Looking at the preceding plot, it seems the wildfires started around August 21 and spread rapidly.

Viewing selected time slices

The nearby Dadia Forest was particularly affected by the wildfires. To see this, let’s plot the raster data to see the spatial distribution of damaged pixels on three particular dates: August 2, August 26th, and September 18th. Again, we’ll highlight only those pixels with value 6 from the raster data. We can extract those specific dates easily from the Time series by_day using a list of dates (i.e., dates_of_interest in the cell below).

dates_of_interest = ['2023-08-01', '2023-08-26', '2023-09-18']
snapshots = stack.sel(time=dates_of_interest)

Let’s make a static sequence of plots. We start by defining some standard options stored in dictionaries.

image_opts = dict(
layout_opts = dict(xlabel='Longitude', ylabel="Latitude")

We’ll construct a colormap using a dictionary of RGBA values (i.e., tuples with three integer entries between 0 and 255 and a fourth floating-point entry between 0.0 and 1.0 for transparency).

COLORS = { k:(0,0,0,0.0) for k in range(256) }
COLORS.update({6: (255,0,0,1.0)})

As usual, we’ll start by slicing smaller images to make sure the call to hvplot.image works as intended. We can reduce the value of the parameter steps to 1 or None to get the images rendered at full resolution.

steps = 100
subset = slice(0,None, steps)
view = snapshots.isel(longitude=subset, latitude=subset)
(view.hvplot.image(**image_opts).opts(**layout_opts) * basemap).layout()

If we remove the call to .layout, we can produce an interactive slider that shows the progress of the wildfire using all the rasters in stack.

steps = 100
subset = slice(0,None, steps)
view = stack.isel(longitude=subset, latitude=subset,)
(view.hvplot.image(**image_opts).opts(**layout_opts) * basemap)