Outline of steps for analysis¶
- Identifying search parameters
- AOI, time-window
- Endpoint, Provider, catalog identifier (“short name”)
- Obtaining search results
- Instrospect, examine to identify features, bands of interest
- Wrap results into a DataFrame for easier exploration
- Exploring & refining search results
- Identify granules of highest value
- Filter extraneous granules with minimal contribution
- Assemble relevant filtered granules into DataFrame
- Identify kind of output to generate
- Data-wrangling to produce relevant output
- Download relevant granules into Xarray DataArray, stacked appropriately
- Do intermediate computations as necessary
- Assemble relevant data slices into visualization
Preliminary imports¶
from warnings import filterwarnings
# data wrangling imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray as rio
import rasterio
# Imports for plotting
import hvplot.pandas
import hvplot.xarray
import geoviews as gv
from geoviews import opts
# STAC imports to retrieve cloud data
from pystac_client import Client
from osgeo import gdal
# GDAL setup for accessing cloud data
gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_HTTP_COOKIEJAR', '~/.cookies.txt')
Convenient utilities¶
These functions could be placed in module files for more developed research projects. For learning purposes, they are embedded within this notebook.
# simple utility to make a rectangle with given center of width dx & height dy
def make_bbox(pt,dx,dy):
'''Returns bounding-box represented as tuple (x_lo, y_lo, x_hi, y_hi)
given inputs pt=(x, y), width & height dx & dy respectively,
where x_lo = x-dx/2, x_hi=x+dx/2, y_lo = y-dy/2, y_hi = y+dy/2.
return tuple(coord+sgn*delta for sgn in (-1,+1) for coord,delta in zip(pt, (dx/2,dy/2)))
# simple utility to plot an AOI or bounding-box
def plot_bbox(bbox):
'''Given bounding-box, returns GeoViews plot of Rectangle & Point at center
+ bbox: bounding-box specified as (lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
Assume longitude-latitude coordinates.
# These plot options are fixed but can be over-ridden
point_opts = opts.Points(size=12, alpha=0.25, color='blue')
rect_opts = opts.Rectangles(line_width=0, alpha=0.1, color='red')
lon_lat = (0.5*sum(bbox[::2]), 0.5*sum(bbox[1::2]))
return (gv.Points([lon_lat]) * gv.Rectangles([bbox])).opts(point_opts, rect_opts)
# utility to extract search results into a Pandas DataFrame
def search_to_dataframe(search):
'''Constructs Pandas DataFrame from PySTAC Earthdata search results.
DataFrame columns are determined from search item properties and assets.
'asset': string identifying an Asset type associated with a granule
'href': data URL for file associated with the Asset in a given row.'''
granules = list(search.items())
assert granules, "Error: empty list of search results"
props = list({prop for g in granules for prop in g.properties.keys()})
tile_ids = map(lambda granule: granule.id.split('_')[3], granules)
rows = (([g.properties.get(k, None) for k in props] + [a, g.assets[a].href, t])
for g, t in zip(granules,tile_ids) for a in g.assets )
df = pd.concat(map(lambda x: pd.DataFrame(x, index=props+['asset','href', 'tile_id']).T, rows),
axis=0, ignore_index=True)
assert len(df), "Empty DataFrame"
return df
# utility to process DataFrame of search results & return DataArray of stacked raster images
def urls_to_stack(granule_dataframe):
'''Processes DataFrame of PySTAC search results (with OPERA tile URLs) &
returns stacked Xarray DataArray (dimensions time, latitude, & longitude)'''
stack = []
for i, row in granule_dataframe.iterrows():
with rasterio.open(row.href) as ds:
# extract CRS string
crs = str(ds.crs).split(':')[-1]
# extract the image spatial extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = ds.bounds
# the x and y resolution of the image is available in image metadata
x_res = np.abs(ds.transform[0])
y_res = np.abs(ds.transform[4])
# read the data
img = ds.read()
# Ensure img has three dimensions (bands, y, x)
if img.ndim == 2:
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
lon = np.arange(xmin, xmax, x_res)
lat = np.arange(ymax, ymin, -y_res)
bands = np.arange(img.shape[0])
da = xr.DataArray(
dims=["band", "lat", "lon"],
lon=(["lon"], lon),
lat=(["lat"], lat),
description="OPERA DSWx B01",
da.rio.write_crs(crs, inplace=True)
return xr.concat(stack, dim='time').squeeze()
Identifying search parameters¶
AOI = ...
# Optionally plot the AOI
search_params = dict(bbox=AOI, datetime=DATE_RANGE)
Obtaining search results¶
# Update the dictionary opts with list of collections to search
catalog = Client.open(f'{ENDPOINT}/{PROVIDER}/')
search_results = catalog.search(**search_params)
df = search_to_dataframe(search_results)
Clean DataFrame df
in ways that make sense (e.g., dropping unneeded columns/rows, casting columns as fixed datatypes, setting the index, etc.).
Exploring & refining search results¶
This consists of filtering rows or columns appropriately to narrow the search results down to the raster data files most suitable to analysis and/or visualization. This can mean focussing on certain geographic tiles, specific bands of the data product, certains dates/timestamps, etc.
Data-wrangling to produce relevant output¶
This can include stacking two-dimensional arrays into a three-dimensional array, mosaicking raster images from adjacent tiles into a single tile, etc.