JupyterHub usage#

This displays the usage of our cloud infrastructure to give an understanding of our infrastructure setup and the communities that use it.

Last updated: Jul 27, 2024

Load and munge data#

Number of hubs#

Total clusters


Total hubs


Geographic map of community locations#

Below is a visualization that represents the hubs

def update_geo_fig(fig):
    fig.update_geos(bgcolor=colors["paleblue"], landcolor="white", showland=True)

Below is a dropdown with a few PNGs of different hub constellations for re-use.

Hide code cell outputs

All 2i2c hubs

Permanent link: 2i2c.org/kpis_static/maps/2i2c_hubs_map.png


Constellation: 2i2c

Permanent link: 2i2c.org/kpis_static/maps/2i2c_map.png


Constellation: Catalyst

Permanent link: 2i2c.org/kpis_static/maps/Catalyst_map.png


Constellation: CloudBank

Permanent link: 2i2c.org/kpis_static/maps/CloudBank_map.png


Active users#

Average active users over the past 6 months.

Daily users


Monthly users


Monthly active users over the past 6 months

Active users by hub#

Active users broken down by each hub that we run. We break our hubs into two groups as some hubs have orders of magnitude more users than others.

Count hubs by community size#

Total number of users binned by community size#

Tells us the percentage of our userbase that comes from different community sizes.