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The following project assessment covers the third and final year of our operations. It covers the dates from 10/2022 through 11/2023.

Brief summary of year 3

In year 3 of 2i2c’s operations, we expanded 2i2c’s operations with several new community partnerships, development partnerships, and grant-funded projects to provide guidance to communities that wish to use open source infrastructure for open science. In addition, we underwent significant organizational changes as the team began to feel strain brought on by our increasing commitments. We spent several months introspecting and identifying where we needed to make improvements to our structure and team capacity, and finished the year by hiring critical new roles. As we head into 2024, 2i2c aims to incorporate these roles into our organization and improve our operational model as a result, we then aim to fundraise for the next phase of 2i2c’s organizational growth.

Key outcomes

Strategic planning and capacity building for Jupyter in research and education

In the final year of this grant, 2i2c significantly expanded its partnerships both in its open science cloud platform, as well as its strategic and development efforts. Below is a table of funds that we raised for a combination of services and grants:

Type of fundsFunds raised in Year 3
Development contracts$175,000
Open science cloud service contracts$330,745
Grants awarded$1,083,541

Notable milestones in several major categories are described and linked below.

Notable community partnerships

Development efforts

Leadership in open science technology and cloud

Organizational growth and maturation

Facilitating communications and connections within the Jupyter developer community and its stakeholders in research/education

In our final year, 2i2c’s team authored more than 700 merged pull requests in key upstream repositories. We also engaged in several major community initiatives listed below.

Jupyter-specific conversations and open source engagement/leadership…

Enabling the execution of projects and collaborations for Jupyter in research and education

We did not focus on this goal in the final year of the grant, because we had team capacity from other funds to lead these efforts.

Artifacts, publications, and software code

Blog posts

Blog posts and videos from community partners about 2i2c

Publications and grants about or by 2i2c

Videos and presentations

  1. Rose, B. E. J., Clyne, J., May, R., Munroe, J., Snyder, A., Eroglu, O., & Tyle, K. (2023). Collaborative Research: GEO OSE TRACK 2: Project Pythia and Pangeo: Building an inclusive geoscience community through accessible, reusable, and reproducible workflows. 10.5281/ZENODO.8184298
  2. Munroe, J., Palopoli, N., & Acion, L. (2023). Reproducibly Analyzing Wildfire, Drought, and Flood Risk with NASA Earthdata Cloud. 10.5281/ZENODO.8212073
  3. Colliander, J., & 2i2c Community. (2023). Building the Open Source Science Stack. Zenodo. 10.5281/ZENODO.7662828
  4. Colliander, J., Avila, D., Dolocan, G., Gibson, S., Holdgraf, C., Munroe, J., & Panda, Y. (2023). Ephemeral Interactive Computing for NASA Communities. Zenodo. 10.5281/ZENODO.7892224
  5. Nickles, C., Friesz, A., Hunzinger, A., Barrett, A. P., Lind, B., Welch, J., Lopez, L., Jami, M., Thornton, M., Robinson, E., Lowndes, J. S., & Community, T. N. O. M. (2023). The Value of Hosted JupyterHubs in enabling Open NASA Earth Science in the Cloud. Zenodo. 10.5281/ZENODO.7667299